School Fees

Prices for the 2023 – 2024 school year (US$)

Preschool Elementary & Middle School Senior School
Registration fee $275.00 $280.00 $285.00
Tuition (Monthly) $440.00 $450.00 $460.00
Complementary assignments $100.00 $100.00 $100.00

*Variable value according to the activity, number of days, etc…

These fees are approved by the Ministry of Education (RESOLUCIÓN No. 0000022-17D09-RM)

Transportation Fee – Compañía Arrayanes

Quito Cumbayá Tumbaco
Price  $105.00 $100.00 $95.00

School Cafeteria Costs – Mi Colación

Snack Lunch
From elementary to senior school (unit) $3.50 + TAX
$78.40 (20 servings, TAX included)
$4.00 + TAX
$90.00 (20 servings, TAX included)