
Robotics in Cervantes starts as an answer to the need that the new generation faces. Our students receive practical classes on a projects based learning.

The working trend has changed and the companies now a days require that workers are more aware of different specialization areas, highlighting technology. It is of upmost importance to develop in each student the skills to face this challenge.  It is important to re-define the concept that we now have of “work” and to understand the relationship among the different disciplines.  Adapting to this and continuous learning will be key elements in education and professional development of our students.  Amco’s Robotics Application arises as an answer to these needs, supported by a projects based learning.

The collaborative focus that we propose tends to problems solving and to help teachers to educate happy children that succeed within a significant and dynamic environment. It means that learning environments should be places where the students have many opportunities to solve a problem and several ways to do it; as many as possible.  A traditional style class, where the teacher has the only answer, will never help student to develop self-security, nor a domain of engineering design. The students must have the opportunity to make mistakes within an environment of support to be able to find alternate solutions. (AMCO, 2020)