Mission and Vision


In Unidad Educativa Particular “Cervantes” we are professionals in education, committed with a rigorous humanistic philosophy. We founded and shaped an educative institution, aimed to form transformational leaders, emotionally stable and able to commit with social causes.

We educate for diversity in a peaceful environment.  We make it with curricular adaptation and active methodology. We intend to educate youngsters, whose talent serves both; the academic professional field and the ethical and emotional one. We educate diverse human beings, decided to actively work for our country’s wellbeing.


Our purpose as Unidad Educativa Particular “Cervantes” is to become a paradigm within the education for diversity, where the children and youngsters that are looking for a place that exceeds the traditional educations boundaries, can find a place where they find themselves. In five years we can see ourselves as promoters of a more emotionally balanced, more ethical, equitable and efficient society.

Our goal is to forge human beings with humanistic principles sown in their souls, capable of developing work, solidarity and common wellbeing. In five years the institution shall remain with its main thought of itself: with values, focused on diversity, as an individualized education project, a holistic not crowded alternative.


  • Discipline – Order
  • Respect – Tolerance
  • Responsibility – Effort
  • Justice – Equity
  • Honesty – Ethics
  • Solidarity – Empathy
  • Innovation – Utopia
  • Freedom – Peace